

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Untitled ...

Blurring, stammering,

Miles pile close together against years —

Cold ash on calloused hand-skin

The remembered feeling of fingertips

Against palms:

Nickels rubbed dime-thin in hidden earth

And smeared across the decades

While you remain,

and wait.

In the late wind, you sleep too near the shoreline;

Too near the railyard.

It’s a crime,

They say.

Truth be told,

You dared the eye of each horizon’s devil:

You paid your dues;

You awoke to hail;

You gave your shoulder over to bent, broken tree trunks

And lost cemetery names —

A sea-crashed view;

A shadow

Left in last night’s fire-ring

And given over to the morning —

Which finds the night (along with you)

Mis-remembered, precious, alight.

There it is — the crux of all things —

Christ on his cross,

And you in the man-tall weeds, much later,

Waiting for the conduction of crew changes near the viaduct;

Waiting for straight avenues out from underneath

Storm warnings

Via hotshots heading west —

Bolt-out of prairie-school nights.

Still, there — adrift, awakened, remembered —

The lightning-soaked cloudfields

Have no part of being escaped, or left alone.


Unknown said...


Read this and loved it...you've introduced me to so much cool music over the years, opening my mind to artists I never would have explored on my own - thank you. Michael Been was one of them. He will be missed.


kev99sl said...

Thanks for that Beth. (And regardless of how much cool music I introduced you to, I'll always have you to thank for introducing me to U2!)