

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pillars of Light

Dawn. November.

Eyelids stuttered,

Found all things
That give light
Upward from themselves.

As a man's name,

They formed
Iridescent pillars,
Earth to sky.

There were four of us
Begging coals for fire
And fire for joe
As though
We were not filled with wonder.

We moved out
From underneath
The night;
Moved among the

I murmured
"Ice crystals."

Everyone agreed.

Cigarettes were rolled.

Yet even then,
All those burnt miles
Put behind,
Nothing was as simple
Or as settled.

God's hand gripped
Some of our necks:
A whisper
Through clenched teeth.

"Look at that.
Look at that."


I secretly remembered


Even then,
Hope flickered
In my ash-covered hands.

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