

Monday, April 23, 2012

What I Am Not Paid to Do

What I am not paid to do
could be gathered
to a gold point
near snack shacks
on the Plymouth seashore

thin as slate
deep as hope

blind as bones

these rings of sunshine
I have dreamt
and grasped falling backward
and lost,

spiraled to
the future
of men
I've never known
or bested

I wonder
what kind of spark
my soul

might give
the steel of
held-out miles

A good question,

this is

in weeds

no fatherhood left
to give

no daughters, sons —

a deserved curse —

I have given
the limping veins of my own wrists
grasping after couplings
in the


the North.

What I am not paid to do
in the slipstream and

grows a soul and

rings of sunshine
from that

which was

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