From Sam:
I love Mom because: "She loves me and plays with me. She makes food for me and then I don't have to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich myself."
What I Know About Mom:
What does she do?: "Laundry"
What does your dad call her?: "Liz"
What is her favorite food?: "Sandwiches"
What is her favorite color?: "Green"
Does she have any brothers or sisters?: "No"
What does she like to do for fun?: "Play with me"
What is your favorite thing about her: "I like to look at her"
(Note: Could be Daddy's favorite thing about her too.)
That last answer is priceless. Watch out my friend! Reminds me of when my son, less than a year ago, told his mother he liked looking into her eyes because they were "Sparkly, like jewels." The kid's good! And it's not the first time either. Kitty tells me I should take notes because, in her words, "he puts you to shame." Hey, I'll take whatever help I can get.
What's equally amazing to me is the way they can instinctively leverage their cuteness to achieve the strategic high ground in almost any circumstance. Case in point: Luke and Sam crowded into mom and dad's bed, in the very middle of a scary, stormy night after many giggles and many more stern admonitions to "LIE STILL!" and "BE QUIET!" and "GO TO SLEEP!" Having had enough, I throw the covers back, spring out of bed, and exclaim, "What are you guys DOING?" Luke's response: "I'm just loving Sam"; Sam's response: "Daddy, you're a good guy." Well played my sons ... well played.
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